Partner Programs

Part of being a civic organization is working with others for the greater good. One thing about human nature is if someone needs help, others will step up. Our Northern Wake Optimist club enjoys working with others to accomplish great things.

One group that we are committed to partner with is our Rolesville Police Department with their “Shop with a Cop” program. This is such a popular program in many police departments throughout the country. We help raise money for the program and have a great time in the process. This program raises money throughout the year to help provide a joyous Christmas for underprivileged children in our community. 

There are several local organizations that we partner with to help raise money for children with Cancer or Childhood Illnesses as well as underprivileged children in need. After all, together we are much stronger and can accomplish so much more. 

We have partnered with our local Moose lodge to help raise money for our Therapy Doll programs. The Therapy Doll program provides children with Cancer/Childhood Illnesses with their own therapy doll. We raise money that will purchase the specific materials needed for these dolls. Once these dolls are made, they are taken to the local two pediatric oncology centers of Duke and UNC.

We recently partnered with our local Masonic lodge to help with a BBQ which was a fundraiser for the children at the Oxford Orphanage. If there are children in need, we will help. We have partnered with HOBY – Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership program. This is for High School Sophomores who are invited to attend virtual leadership seminars to develop their leadership skills and learn how to apply them to become effective, ethical leaders in their home, school, workplace and community. Is your school represented?

We sponsor students and volunteer with the activities.

During the holidays it is particularly stressful for those less fortunate. The local churches and schools are hosting “Angel trees” for children to have a joyous Christmas.

This is a project our club helps with every year. We are a small club with a few members. This is true for many civic organizations. When we can come together for the greater good, then we have made a difference in the life of a child.

Would you like to join our club or volunteer to help with our projects?